Regional Championship Qualifier US (3) Round 9

Regional Championship Qualifier US (3) Round 9

Regional Championship Qualifier US (3) Round 9

176 176 people viewed this event.


Entry Price: $30

Start Time: 12:00PM

Registration Time: 11:00AM

50 minute Rounds, Best of 3

Cap: 32 Players

Decklist is required for this event and will be run at COMP REL.

Prize Support

$30 entry with money back into the prize pool based on attendance! ($20 of entry is going to the prize pool)

1st: 40 percent of prize pool, Invite to Regional Championship, RCQ, RCQ Top 8 Foil and Non foil promo

2nd: 20 percent of prize pool, and promo

3rd & 4th: 10 percent of prize pool, and promo

5th – 8th: 5 percent of prize pool, and promo

Deck List Sheet

Ticket Information

RCQ Entry

Date And Time

03-08-2025 @ 12:00 PM to
03-08-2025 @ 06:00 PM

Event Types


Event Category

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